Saturday, March 5, 2011

random thoughts. na na... naa na naa na naa HEY! na na na na!

if you don't get that, you're either not canadian, not a hockey fan, or not a canadian hockey fan.

suckery: horsefaced, homely chicks who think they're hot. I'm just saying.

rulery: dudes who like to make out.

I'm still issue wrestling. I had a session with my therapist two weeks ago. TWO WEEKS, it feels like 2 months. anyway, we looked a bit at my tendency to push people away. horribly, it felt like just surface scratching, which = more work. I should look at my tendency to flounder, but I think that's a symptom not a thing in and of itself. who thinks too much? ME. that's who.

the best thing that's happened all weekend so far is the awesome flossing I just did. no, that's not a euphemism, I genuinely like flossing my teeth. pretty depressing, really. hah!

1 comment:

  1. You should have come to california on vacation with me. Camping out. You could have flossed all day!
